Awards & Scholarships

The Undergraduate Biology Program is pleased to announce several scholarships and awards available to students pursuing a major in the program. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity by submitting an online application. Brief descriptions of the scholarships and awards can be found below.

Questions may be addressed to Dr. Lynn Hancock, Chair, Awards Committee (


Undergraduate Biology Scholarships & Awards 


Academic Scholarships & Awards

  • One page essay describe your past academic achievements in biology and describe what you plan to do with your biology degree in the future.
  • Please provide a Letter of Recommendation from a KU Professor or Lecturer who teaches a science class.
  • Approving the Scholarship Committee to access to your Academic Advising Report. 
    • Award open to all students, research participation not required
    • No GPA requirements to apply


Research Scholarships & Awards

  • One Page essay describing your research project and how the funds would promote (or enable) your research endeavors.
  • Letter of Recommendation from your Research Lab Mentor.
  • Approving the Scholarship Committee to access to your Academic Advising Report. 


Travel Scholarships & Awards

  • One page essay describing how these funds would go towards your travel. This must include description of your plans for the award, including a budget statement with an estimate of your total expenses (e.g., registration fee, airfare or mileage, meals, lodging).
  • Letter of Recommendation from your Research Lab Mentor.
  • Approving the Scholarship Committee to access to your Academic Advising Report.


To Apply:

Complete the Undergraduate Biology Scholarships & Awards Application

All application materials are due by 11:59 p.m. on March 31.

Research Awards & Scholarships

Established by colleagues and former students in honor of Dr. Paul Kitos, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biosciences. Dr. Kitos retired from the Department of Biochemistry (now part of Molecular Biosciences) in 1996 after 37 years of teaching. This award is used to enhance research opportunities for undergraduate students working in Molecular Biosciences.

This fund shall be used to provide awards for deserving undergraduates in Molecular Biosciences. These awards are based on achievement in a research laboratory.

This award was established in memory of Nathan B. Parker, Ph.D., through the generosity of his family and friends. Dr. Parker earned his bachelor’s and Ph.D. in microbiology at KU, after which he began a biology teaching career at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas.

This $1000 award gives preference to graduating biology seniors who are pursuing acceptance to a master’s or Ph.D. program in biology or a related field. Award funds are meant to help alleviate financial costs associated with program application fees, moving expenses, or costs of attending an academic/scientific conference

The Howieson Opportunity Fund has been established to assist KU undergraduate students who wish to travel to off-campus research laboratories, field research sites, or academic/scientific conferences.

Eligibility: Any undergraduate student conducting research in the biological sciences at the University of Kansas is eligible. Priority is given to applications that include active research and/or intent to present papers/posters at scientific conferences. The amount of the award will be based on a budget provided by the student (budget cap of $1500).

Academic Awards & Scholarships

The Ken and Helen Nelson Opportunities in the Biosciences Award will be present $1500 to an undergraduate student studying biological sciences at the University of Kansas. Priority is given to applicants with demonstrated financial need.

Established in 1989 through contributions received from family and friends of Lance S. Foster. Lance was a native of Stillwater, Oklahoma, and a transfer from Oklahoma State University. He earned his bachelor's degrees (granted posthumously in 1989) in Systematics and Ecology and Political Science from The University of Kansas. Lance lived in Stephenson Scholarship Hall for three years of his undergraduate studies and was actively involved in scholarship hall government; he also rose to the highest student position of program director at radio station KJHK. Lance supplemented his course work through his involvement with the KU Democrats and Biology Club. He was also voted a life member of Phi Beta Kappa. In his spare time, Lance enjoyed playing guitar, running, and intramural sports. He died on May 7, 1989, at the age of 23. 

Through the generosity of the Foster family, the KU Undergraduate Biology Program will present an award of $1000 to an outstanding KU Junior majoring in biology and planning on further study or work in any area of biology

Established in memory of Professor R. T. Hersh to honor an outstanding graduating senior in the Human Biology program whose course of study best exemplifies the interdisciplinary nature of the scientific study of humans, their origins, development, biology, and behavior. The idea for a human-oriented biology curriculum grew from Dr. Hersh's interaction with undergraduate students and discussions with colleagues. Dr. Hersh was Director of the Human Biology Program until his retirement in 1995. During his tenure at KU, Dr. Hersh was chair of the Biochemistry Department (now part of Molecular Biosciences). His dedication to teaching earned him an Outstanding Educator Award in 1973 and the Chancellor's Career Teaching Award in 1991.

The Undergraduate Biology Program will present this award of $1500 to an outstanding graduating senior with Honors in Human Biology, who has demonstrated interest in Fine Arts. This can include: Music, Visual Arts, Theatre and Film & Media Studies.

Established through a gift from Dr. Pauline Kimball Skinner of Newark, Delaware. Dr. Kimball graduated from KU in 1919; she studied for three years and served as an assistant instructor at the University of Iowa. She received her doctorate in 1928 from New York University, after which she became head of the department of biology at Women's College, University of Delaware. Following her marriage to Dr. Glenn S. Skinner in 1930, she retired from teaching and developed an interest in the work of patriotic societies.

Through the generosity of Pauline Kimball, the KU Undergraduate Biology Program will present an award of $500 to a female or female identifying graduate who is expected to go on to a higher degree in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.

This fund will present $1500 to an undergraduate student studying biological sciences at the University of Kansas. Priority is given to applicants with demonstrated financial need.

Other Undergraduate Biology Scholarships & Awards 


The Ida H. Hyde Scholarship for Women in Science

The Ida H. Hyde Research Scholarship fund provides up to 8 annual awards for an (upper-class or graduate) woman student in biology to provide an opportunity “…to study in a marine laboratory, or any biological, chemical or physical research laboratory, offering environment and advantages different from those found in the University of Kansas….” (e.g., the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole.)

Before Women Were Human Beings...Adventures of an American Fellow in German Universities of the ‘90s by IDA. H. HYDE

To Apply:

  • Personal statement outlining past accomplishments, a brief description of the research objectives, the study location, and a description of the benefits to be derived from the opportunity to study elsewhere. Also include the date of your trip, and when you would need the scholarship money by.
  • Estimated budget, including potential sources of other funding (Ida H. Hyde Scholarship ranges from $500 - $3000)
  • Please provide a Letter of Recommendation from a KU Professor or Lecturer who teaches a science class.
  • Preference will be given to first time recipients 

Submit Application for the Ida H. Hyde Scholarship

This scholarship has a rolling submission and will be awarded throughout the Fall &Spring semesters.

All applications submitted in the Fall Semester must be received by December 1.

All applications submitted in the Spring Semester must be received by May 1.


Erma Reed Peterson Scholarship for Pre-medicine Seniors

Through the generosity of the Peterson family, Undergraduate Biology will present a $1000 tuition scholarship for one semester to an outstanding pre-medicine senior.

All KU pre-medicine seniors graduating in May 2025 are eligible.

The award winner will be chosen primarily based on scholastics, community service, and preparation for a career in health care Preference will be given to students with an interest in genetics, and who come from Saline and McPherson counties in Kansas. Applicants will also be evaluated based their scholastics achievements, community service, and overall preparedness for a career in health care.

To Apply:

  • One-page essay outlining past accomplishments and career aspirations. In addition, describe your interest in genetics, and mention any connection to Saline or McPherson counties, if any.
  • Please provide a Letter of Recommendation from a KU Professor or Lecturer who teaches a biology class.

Submit Application for the Erma Reed Peterson Scholarship

Application Deadline: December 1, 2024


Society Scholarships

Do you need help paying Academic Society Dues?

There are multiple scholarships are available through Undergraduate Biology to help pay for Society Dues for Biology Majors

To Apply Please Provide:

  • A short essay stating your name and major, a description of the society you wish to join, and why that society will enhance your education or career progression.
  • The cost of the dues and a statement demonstrating that you need financial assistance to pay for these dues.
    • (i.e. you have unmet financial need from a FAFSA report or ISNAW)

Submit Application for the Society Scholarship

Applications are accepted throughout the academic year.


The Bioscholarship Program

The BioScholarship Program provides renewable four-year scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students in the Biological Sciences at the University of Kansas. It is only offered to incoming freshmen students with a 3.9 GPA or higher.

Other Awards and Scholarships:

The KU Academic Works Site only shows active scholarships, so make sure to check back often to see if new scholarships have become available. 

Look for scholarships on KU Academic Works

Undergraduate Research Awards (UGRAs) are $1,000 scholarships provided to undergraduate students pursuing original research or creative projects under the general guidance of a research mentor. The deadline to apply for an UGRA is in October for spring awards and in March for summer or fall awards.

Find out more about the Undergraduate Research Awards

The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is pleased to announce several scholarships and awards available to students pursuing a major in the College. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity by submitting an online application. Brief descriptions of the scholarships and awards can be found on the CLAS website.

Critical Language Scholarships cover all costs of attending Intensive Summer Institutes through the United States Department of State.

Languages offered include: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.

Students in all fields are eligible to apply after two semesters of college; additional criteria depend on the language being studied.

•    National deadline in mid-November

Dr. George E. Gould graduated from the University of Kansas in 1929 with a degree in Entomology and was generous enough to bequeath funds from his estate to support KU undergraduate students interested in pursuing research with an entomological focus, under the general guidance of a member of the graduate faculty.  The Gould Award is not intended to provide faculty members with assistants, but students may well be associated with faculty research projects as independent investigators.  The George Gould Undergraduate Research Award in Entomology is awarded on the merit of the applicant's proposal, the applicant's academic record, and recommendations from faculty members who are familiar with the applicant and the proposed project.

The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation offers over 250 different scholarships for students in and around Kansas City.

Check the GKCCF site for Scholarship Opportunities

The University Women's Club Scholarship helps to financially assist academically meritorious undergraduate and graduate women students at The University of Kansas.

Open to all women undergrads at KU with 3.5 GPA, $1500-$2500 per year 


University Women’s Club Scholarship Application 

The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity is honored to be the steward of four QT-centered scholarships which range between $1,000 and $5,000 in non-renewable awards.

  • LGBTQ Community Leadership Scholarship
  • Chad A. Leat Scholarship
  • Damon Kiley Meeker Scholarship
  • Mark G. Noller Scholarship
  • J.L. Cleland GLBTQIA Non-Discrimination Scholarship (for Incoming Freshmen)

For more information check out the Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity Scholarship Page

KC Scholars supports you on your journey to fulfill your life goals by providing scholarships to college, training programs, and support services to ensure your success.

We invite residents living in six counties to apply for our programs:

  • Wyandotte and Johnson (Kansas)

  • Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte (Missouri)   

Find out more about KC Scholars

The Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research offers awards to support research by KU undergraduate and graduate students. There are two sets of awards: One that is exclusively for students affiliated with our research unit (Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research Awards), the other available to any student at KU conducting research at the University of Kansas Field Station, which we manage (KU Field Station Awards). Please note the the annual awards process is announced in late February or early March of each year, with award notifications to recipients in April.


Did you know? For many years we've provided assistance for KU students through our annual Student Research Awards. The 2025 application period has just opened, and we're offering several $1,000 awards to support student research conducted this year. You don't have to be a biology major—four of the awards are open to any KU student (engineering, art, journalism ... projects connected in some way to the KU Field Station—we hope you'll get creative). Deadline is in March.

Learn moreInfo and apply

For information about scholarships based on academic merit contact:

Financial Aid & Scholarships

KU Visitor Center

1502 Iowa

Lawrence, KS 66045-7576


Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships

Look here for information on competitive scholarships and fellowships.
Apply for a Fellowship